Here are ten ways you can use to immediately reduce or manage your level of anxiety. We all have a certain amount of anxiety in our daily lives. Managing this anxiety has a direct bearing on the quality of our lives. I hope some of these tips will work for you.
1. Stay busy. If you keep your mind active and occupied, you will not tend to dwell on the sources of your anxiety. When we focus too much on our problems or fears we tend to magnify them. So keep your mind and body busy and you will not be so anxious.
2. Talk to someone. This is one of the best ways to manage your anxiety. Getting your feelings out in the open can do you wonders. Find a friend and confidant and have a nice heart to heart.
3. Exercise. Whether it is taking a long walk, lifting weights, or doing some yoga - exercise can relieve stress and keep your mind occupied. And you can get physically fit in the process.
4. Change the channel. There have been studies that show that watching stressful events on television can cause anxiety. So instead of stressing out with cable news watch a relaxing and uplifting show like my favorite, "The Andy Griffith Show".
5. Pray. Put your problems in the hands of the higher being. This will give you comfort and perspective. Faith can be very comforting and effective when you are overcome with anxiety.
6. Ask yourself the right questions. Tony Robbins has said that the quality of our lives is determined by the questions we ask. If you are experiencing anxiety, you may be asking yourself questions that feed the anxiety. If so, start consciously asking yourself empowering questions like, "What am I grateful for?" and "What could I be grateful for?"
7. Take a deep breath. Take several, actually. Deep breathing not only relaxes you, it also causes your mind to focus on the breathing. Sometimes deep, diaphramatic breathing can bring almost instant relief fom anxiety.
8. Worry. That's right worry. Tell yourself that you will set aside a certain period of time to worry your little heart out. Try to make this no more that thirty minutes. After that your finished with worrying for that day.
9. Realize you are human. Did you make a mistake? Did you really screw that one up? Guess what, so did the rest of us. We suffer from something called the human condition. We can not go back in time and change what already happened. The best thing is to try to do your best in the present.
10. Scream. Stop holding everything in. If you can find a place where you are not likely to be arrested, really let lose and get it all out. Find and isolated area or a well insulated room and really let loose. You might be a bit hoarse the next day but you'll feel much better otherwise.
Try these ten tips to reduce anxiety. One or more may work for you in your particular situation. Most of us can manage our anxiety will simple techniques like these. Taking charge of general anxiety or even panic attacks is possible. If you would like to learn about a proven technique to help your rid your self of general anxiety or panic attacks, click here.